10 Surprising Facts About the Olympics


Here are 10 surprising facts about the Olympic Games that will blow your mind

1. Gold medals are mostly made of silver

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The olympic gold medal is an imposter, made almost entirely from silver with approximately 6 grams of gold to meet the standard the Olympic Charter.

2. The Olympic Torch Relay is not an old tradition

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The relay was designed as a propaganda weapon for the Nazi Party to demonstrate the purported supremacy of the Aryan race.

3. Only three modern Olympic Games have been canceled

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The games were canceled due to World War I (1916) and World War II (1940, 1944).

4. Every national flag has Olympic rings colors on it

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Blue,green,yellow,black, and red were specifically chosen so that at least one of those colours appeared on all of the world's national flags.

5. Only five countries have been represented at every modern-era Summer Olympic Games

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Greece, Great Britain, France, Switzerland and Australia. 

6. Only two people have ever won gold medals during the Summer and Winter Olympics

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Gillis Grafstrom, from Sweden, and Eddie Eagan, from United States, hold this distinction.

7. Daniel Carrol Won A Gold Medal For Australia In 1908.Again For The United States In 1920.In 1992,kakhi Kakhiashvili Won His First Gold Medal Representing Unified Team,Then As A Greek Citizen.

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8. Athletes in the ancient Olympic Games were compiled naked

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The Word Gymnasium Is From The Greek Root Gymnos Meaning Nude. As Such, The Literal Meaning  Of Gymnasium Is Naked Gymnastics School.

9. The first Olympic drug ban in 1968 did not take place

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Hans-Gunnar Liljenwall,a Swedish pentathlete,had a positive alcohol test.He purportedly drank a lot of beer to be suspended from Pentathlon

10. The youngest Olympian in the modern era is Greek gymnast Dimitrios Loundras, who competed in the 1896 Athens Olympics at the age of 10

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