8 Benefits of hyaluronic acid

what is hyaluronic acid

A  molecule that is naturalyy produced by the skin but its production decreases as your age 


what is the role of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid present in the skin helps to retain moisture in the skin and holds together the skin structural elements such as collagen and elastin


Provides hydration

What water does for your body,hyaluronic acid does for your face.it provides hydration to the skin as it has the power to hold 1,000 times its molecular weight in water.


Anti-aging properties

Hyaluronic acid has the ability to slow down the ageing process and addinf it to your skincare routine will provide immense help to the skin.


Healthy for combination skin

Hyaluronic acid hydrates from the outside in by drawing moisture from the humidity in the air to bind with your skin. Its “plumps” your skin, making it look radiant .


Hyaluronic acid lessens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles because it’s such a damn good hydrator. Good hydration plumps your skin, smoothing out existing fine lines .


Reduce fine lines

Helps to reduce skin pigmentation

When vitamin C is paired with hyaluronic acid, vitamin C acts more efficiently to reduce any signs of skin pigmentation.


Helps in skin regeneration 

Hyaluronic acid helps to prompte skin cell regeneration by making a protective barrier on the skin.
